Your interaction with my work is so much appreciated.
I’m Norman Epp: sculptor; son of a South Dakota farmer. As a youngster, roaming the sloughs, shelterbelts, gravel pits, and pastures between farm fields instilled a great reverence for nature. As an artist four decades of living in various subcultural locals across the country honed an innate sense of sculptural processes. A lifetime of periodic journeys into disparate cultures across the world nurtured inquisitive fascination as to the roles of various civilizations’ places within Earth’s evolutionary being. Over time a mindfulness of the collective interdependent connection between a plethora of inner mindfulness’s’, ethereal, and outer physical spiritual energies within Nature’s universal active pantheon has been nurtured.
This sculpture Dancing The Wildwood moves the tradition carried through Botticelli’s Three Graces and Matisse’s Dance into the contemporary drama of earth’s environment situation. The three elements of this sculpture dance a spiritual sensual integration of the external physical environment within an old growth woodland, and various internal emotional terrains of mindfulness that shape that landscape.
My work energizes integrative processes of emotional sensuality triggered through the meeting of multiple conscious and unconscious facets of those living experiences. A spiritual invocation, both to, and from, universal animating forces takes place within the space of my studio. My sculptures facilitate what might be compared to the chorus within Greek Theatre, a conduit for conscious mitigating expressions of active spiritual forces and universal archetypal energies.