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The Tea Party

Hello my name is John Bonath 

Humor, in light of the gravity of the world condition today, allows me to dis-

tance myself from my fears and despair. In so doing, humor functions as a type of defense mechanism that encourages me to go on despite the horror that sur-

rounds us. Reality is often quite absurd. As I see it, life is not black and white, but dichot-

omies and opposite truths that coexist simultaneously. In this day and age, a lie spoken a hundred times will become a truth; an untruth can be seem as truth in

opposition to any established fact. The world of kitsch reflects this irony from a

humorous perspective, giving credence while denying credibility.

The Mad Hatter’s tea party in Alice in Wonderland is a wonderful epitome of the

blurred line between sense and nonsense. The Mad Hatter says at his tea party, “If

I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what

it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it

wouldn’t be.” The March Hare said to Alice, “Take some more tea,” . Alice replied in an offended tone, “I’ve had nothing yet, so I can’t take more. “ The Hatter said back, “You mean you can’t take less, it’s very easy to take more than nothing.

Which brings me to my attraction to Peeps because they make no sense at all and are full of existential contradiction. They are prized for their peculiar form of bizarre absurdity, and have evolved into a cult following. It seems that Peeps appear out of nowhere once a year and invade consumer store shelves much like the cicadas swarmming out of the ground. 

Every eight seconds, one baby is born in the United States and 509 Peeps are made. You would need about 7,000 Peeps stacked toe to ear to reach the top of the Empire State Building, more than 87 million Peeps to stretch continuously from New York City to Los Angeles, about 430 million Peeps to circle the moon and about 127 quadrillion Peeps to fill the Grand Canyon. After a lifelong fascination with the Peep, I finally started to explore my own personal symbolism with them in my art. I have always thought of them as some thing from another planet, that try as I may, eluded my understanding. For me, Peeps became a medium of sarcastic, allegorical tableaux, recognizing the helpless breed of creature they are (devoid of arms, legs or even lips). The images in this series possess a spirit of dark humor, reflecting the way in which I see and think.

This “Tea Party” installation is a Mad Hatter’s tea party in celebration of nonsense and all things Peep.

Art of the State 2025
  1. Above the Clouds
  2. All That Is Gone, and All That’s To Come
  3. American Discourse
  4. Aspen Grove, First Light
  5. Awkward Kiss
  6. Blue and White Iris
  7. Bubbles Statement Choker Necklace
  8. Cheek to Cheek
  9. Children of the Mountain
  10. Cleopatra with a Snake and a Cigarette
  11. Collection 007
  12. Color Maps of the Wild - Elk Habits 2.1
  13. Coming into View
  14. Copper Queen
  15. Corpus No. 1
  16. Deroplatys Lobata
  17. Dixie Reindeer Lichen and House Fly
  18. Dotonbori 道頓堀
  19. Dusk Kane Gulch
  20. Dynamics 2
  21. Ekbātān
  22. Embrace Mandala
  23. Eve/The Fall of Man
  24. Firestarter
  25. Functional Cut
  26. Garden
  27. Genus #26
  28. Gold Hope
  29. Greenhouse Gathering
  30. Green Quilt 1 - April 7, 1:45pm
  31. Ground Quilt ll (53°31'46"N 113°31'17"W)
  32. Headwaters of the Roaring Fork
  33. Heal Thyself
  34. Heliocentric
  35. Hollow Form #5
  36. In the Explosion – Ignite
  37. It Was All a Dream
  38. Jeff Tears Detox Bath
  39. Jettison
  40. Kathmandu Two
  41. Lakeside
  42. leaf pile
  43. Meditations XVII
  44. Migration
  45. Midday Diffusion
  46. Moment of Silence
  47. Morpho I
  48. Move the Needle
  49. Nepantla
  50. Neuromancer
  51. night 18
  52. Notation 23-24 and Notation 24-24
  53. Not Here
  54. Nothing To Worry About Now
  55. Objects Delight
  56. Odysseus Crossing the Unknown Sea Home to Penelope
  57. Once Upon a Time
  58. One by One #4
  59. Peace Arch
  60. Pink Gradient Moon Jar
  61. Pipe Dreams
  62. Purple, Yellow, White & Blue 3
  63. Quartz Cage Chandelier Earrings
  64. Renewal
  65. Resting Place
  66. Riverstones & Whales
  67. Rock 1
  68. Rubber and Raw Silk #3
  69. Salpi and Nancy in flight
  70. Sea Storm #3
  71. Seeking Purchase
  72. Sensorium
  73. Shades of Strength
  74. She Can Be Prickly
  75. Still #2
  76. Sunrise at Horsetooth Reservoir
  77. Technically Speaking
  78. The Journey: Finding My Way
  79. The Roots Make the Wings
  80. The Tea Party
  81. The Tendency Towards Social Equalization with the Desire for Individual Differentiation and Change
  82. The Tub
  83. Tiffany at Selby Gardens
  84. Tightrope
  85. To Unknown Ancestors and the Melancholy of Ireland - Dress
  86. Tropicana
  87. Troublesome
  88. Underpass
  89. Untitled 2
  90. Vein Water Droplet Cuff
  91. Vertical Squeeze
  92. Waiting
  93. Whispers in White
  94. Who Controls The Present Controls The Past
  95. Wildwood Dance
  96. Wishing Gate
  97. Wooly Lamb's Ear Portal