Hi, my name is Taiko Chandler. I am based in Denver, Colorado. Printmaking is my primary art medium where I am driven to develop my own vocabulary. I am drawn in particular to its unpridictability. I compose my work instinctively, combine shapes, colors, lines, and textures in order to express my imagination and react to the enviorment around me.
The artwork you are looking at is an original with the title "Shades of Grey #1." I created this print on the paper with oil-based etching ink using many hand-cut stencils. I completed it by running the paper through the press several times, each time adding an extra layer of color and complexity.
I started making this print the day after I talked with my mother, who is in Japan. Also, it was the day before she moved into assisted care living. Because of her situation and condition, I can only talk to her over the phone every five or six months, so it was emotionally intense. I find that I often use the creative process to work through such emotions and memories.