MWR - Mia Westerlund Roosen: "Guantanamo Series"

Artist Bio:

Mia Westerlund Roosen is an abstract sculptor known for her large-scale, organic pieces. She lives and works in New York City. 

Notes on Process:

When Mia Westerlund Roosen visited OG in 2012, she was deeply concerned with the treatment of prisoners at the Guantanamo prison camp. She embarked on a series of drawings on copper and solar plates, depicting both real and imagined fences and barriers, which were symbolic of the imprisonment of the men at the base. Using a variety of techniques such as hard and soft-ground etching, ink drawings, and drypoint, she was able to convey the sense of being held in a place. We added the various chine collé colors of blue and yellow to signify the loss of seeing the sky/sea and the harshness of the relentless sun. The suite is presented in a hand-built portfolio box with a hand-woven “fence” embedded in the top cover, and includes a poem by one of the detainees, titled Ode to the Sea.

Artist Proof: Print Process at Oehme Graphics
  1. KBR - Katherine Bradford: Portfolio
  2. KBU - Ken Buhler: "Notes from the Edge of the World" Portfolio
  3. TC - Taiko Chandler: "On and On #120"
  4. JFP - Julia Fernandez Pol: "Interstellar Echo #1,"Interstellar Echo #2," and "Eclipse² #1"
  5. LF - Louise Fishman: "Homage to the Mountains No. 83, 22, 36, 68, 82, and 62"
  6. DF - Deborah Freedman: "Cold Spring I," "Cold Spring III," "Spring Fever XII," and "Spring Fever II"
  7. NF - Nancy Friese: "Treetops Sepia" and "Among Trees"
  8. HI - Homare Ikeda: "Mucha-Kucha B" and "A Bohemian Boat A"
  9. PK - Patsy Krebs: "Untitled Orange," "Untitled Red," "Untitled BW," and "Untitled Blue"
  10. CP - Collin Parson: "Light Ellipse 1-4"
  11. DR- David Row: "Lightrap Emerald" and "Lightrap Yellow"
  12. CS - Connie Saddlemire: "Icy Snowpack"
  13. CSM - Catherine Shuman Miller: "Yes... And"
  14. FS - Frank Stella: "Riallaro (Black and White)"
  15. JWE - Joanna Webster: "Iris BW," "Tulipa BW," "Ranunculus Color," and "Calla Color"
  16. MWR - Mia Westerlund Roosen: "Guantanamo Series"
  17. DZ - Deborah Zlotsky: "Loopholes 3"