PK - Patsy Krebs: "Untitled Orange," "Untitled Red," "Untitled BW," and "Untitled Blue"

Artist Bio:

Patsy Krebs is a painter based in the Bay Area whose work explores light and value relationships. 

Notes on Process:

In her untitled series of exquisite step-etched aquatints, San Francisco artist, Patsy Krebs riffed on her series of watercolor paintings from the same time period. Each of the four images is printed from the same group of 4 copper plates. The plates are inked and printed in different colors, in layers, also utilizing the concept of ink viscosity, where some of the heaviest ink is planned to resist sticking to the paper and instead, lifts off, allowing for the beautiful glow present in the center of each piece. 

Artist Proof: Print Process at Oehme Graphics
  1. KBR - Katherine Bradford: Portfolio
  2. KBU - Ken Buhler: "Notes from the Edge of the World" Portfolio
  3. TC - Taiko Chandler: "On and On #120"
  4. JFP - Julia Fernandez Pol: "Interstellar Echo #1,"Interstellar Echo #2," and "Eclipse² #1"
  5. LF - Louise Fishman: "Homage to the Mountains No. 83, 22, 36, 68, 82, and 62"
  6. DF - Deborah Freedman: "Cold Spring I," "Cold Spring III," "Spring Fever XII," and "Spring Fever II"
  7. NF - Nancy Friese: "Treetops Sepia" and "Among Trees"
  8. HI - Homare Ikeda: "Mucha-Kucha B" and "A Bohemian Boat A"
  9. PK - Patsy Krebs: "Untitled Orange," "Untitled Red," "Untitled BW," and "Untitled Blue"
  10. CP - Collin Parson: "Light Ellipse 1-4"
  11. DR- David Row: "Lightrap Emerald" and "Lightrap Yellow"
  12. CS - Connie Saddlemire: "Icy Snowpack"
  13. CSM - Catherine Shuman Miller: "Yes... And"
  14. FS - Frank Stella: "Riallaro (Black and White)"
  15. JWE - Joanna Webster: "Iris BW," "Tulipa BW," "Ranunculus Color," and "Calla Color"
  16. MWR - Mia Westerlund Roosen: "Guantanamo Series"
  17. DZ - Deborah Zlotsky: "Loopholes 3"