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Joinerville Feed and Seed

Welcome to the Joinerville Feed and Seed exhibit, where you can see a gristmill used in Kilgore during the 1930s. This mill was used to grind corn into meal. Farmers would bring their corn to the miller, who would grind it and return some of the ground corn to the farmer in exchange for the service. This was a common practice in the past, before the widespread availability of gristmills in communities. The exhibit also features a mortar and pestle, used before the invention of gristmills to grind grains into meal.

From here, continue back to the conference room.

This is also a good opportunity to use the restrooms, as the museum only has two stalls in each of the boys' and girls' restroom.

School Museum Tour
  1. Daisy and Doc Cases
  2. Oilfield Geological Formations
  3. East Texas Boom Towns
  4. Fire Extinguisher and School During the Boom
  5. 1930 Truck and People of East Texas Wall
  6. H.L. (Harold Lafayette) Hunt Statue
  7. A 1930s House and Transportation
  8. Daisy Bradford Well Photo
  9. Boomtown Street, Lineman Buddy, and Kilgore Oilfield Supply
  10. Arp General Store
  11. Gladewater Museum
  12. Elevator Ride to the Center of the Earth
  13. Wright City Machine Shop
  14. Wichita Truck
  15. Outside the Pistol Hill Gas Station
  16. Inside the Pistol Hill Gas Station
  17. Guaranty Bank
  18. Crossroads Barber Shop
  19. Henderson Post Office
  20. The Peddler's Wagon
  21. Boomtown Movie Theater
  22. Gusher Gazette Newspaper Office
  23. Overton Drug Store
  24. Joinerville Feed and Seed