The East Windows

The main east windows above the high altar have a complementary theme. They were given in memory of Lord Mount Temple of Broadlands, who died in 1888, and were the work of James Powell and Sons. The windows were inspired by the Temple family name, and designed by Dutch artist Van Eyck. "Therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple" and "Ye are the temple of the living God".

"To the One who sits on the throne [on the left] and to the Lamb [on the right] be blessing and honour and glory and might".

The right hand window depicts the Lamb, Lord Mount Temple’s mother's maiden name, with "The lamb shall lead them into living fountains of waters".

The faces of the worshippers paying homage may represent Lord Mount Temple’s friends, and the Revd E L Berthon, Vicar of Romsey at the time.

Continue towards the choirstalls and stop to look to your right, high up into the gable of the chapel beyond the wooden screen. You need to be standing here to be able to see the beautiful angel in the small lancet window at the top of the north wall.

Romsey Abbey - A Guide to the Stained Glass
  1. An Introduction
  2. The West Window
  3. South Nave Aisle - Abraham and Isaac
  4. South Nave Aisle - The Annunciation
  5. South Nave Aisle - St Anna and The Presentation in the Temple
  6. South Nave Aisle - Christ Healing the Blind Man
  7. South Transept - The Three Marys
  8. South Transept - The Dutton Windows
  9. South Transept - The Tollemache Windows
  10. The French Glass
  11. St Anne's Chapel - The Child Jesus in the Temple and The Epiphany Windows
  12. St Ethelflaeda's Chapel - The Crucifixion
  13. St Mary's Chapel - The Adoration of the Shepherds
  14. St George's Chapel - St Michael and the Dragon
  15. St George's Chapel - The Pool at Bethesda
  16. The North Choir Aisle - The Calling Window
  17. The East Windows
  18. North Transept - The Angel of Music
  19. The North Transept (north wall, left) - The Annunciation
  20. The North Transept (north wall, right) - The Holy Family
  21. The North Transept (west wall) - St Swithun
  22. North Nave Aisle 1 - Healing the Lame, The Good Samaritan, and Healing the Blind Man
  23. North Nave Aisle 2 - Christ the Good Shepherd & Suffer the Little Children