City hall and civil war memorial

Shappell Park

Shappell Park

Located at 353 S Main St, plays host to The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument, dedicated on May 10, 1906. The buildings are long gone, but the park stands at the apex or “point” of what was originally known as the “Town Lot” next to the Lovell School Building. The monument stands approximately 48 feet high and was built of “Barre Granite” quarried from Vermont at a cost of $5,500.

The fundraising efforts made slow progress at first. A committee consisting of Civil War veterans and various citizens was organized in 1896 after a resolution was passed by Tolmie Post No.50, Grand Army of the Republic, for the purpose of raising funds to erect a monument honoring the memory of all soldiers and sailors from the Phillipsburg Area who fought in the Civil War. The committee later passed a resolution to place collection boxes in school buildings and other public locations to give school children and others an opportunity to raise funds. Approximately $600 was raised through these efforts, but the school board later prohibited the collection of monies in the schools, and little work was done for the next five years.

In October 1901, an “Executive Committee” was established to continue raising funds for the project. A small amount of money was raised after approaching a few churches and societies and was added to the initial $600. Afterward, the Tolmie Post, once again, took up the fundraising efforts, and another “General Committee” was formed.

The “General Committee” held a two-week fair in May 1905, successfully raising $3200. This money, in addition to the money initially raised, allowed the project to move forward. Various contractors from the area were given the opportunity to submit designs and price quotes.

Park Mortar Restoration - The restoration of the three mortars was completed in the spring of 2009, including the installation of new reinforced concrete pads. The concrete pads were installed by Pride Construction and funded by the Urban Enterprise Zone. G J Oliver of Alpha primed and repainted the mortars with paint funded by the Phillipsburg Area Historical Society. 

Bittone Transportation of Phillipsburg donated their services, by lifting and transporting the three mortars to G. J. Oliver and back. When lifting each mortar, the scale on the crane recorded the weight at 12 tons.

There are 27, 13" sea coast mortars known to exist today. Four are located here in Phillipsburg, and this collection is only matched by the National Park Service at Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC.

Using funds from the Grant of the New Jersey Neighborhood Preservation Program, the town of Phillipsburg and the South Main St Alliance, invested in upgrades to Shappell Park, adding an area of pavers and tables near the monument, painting the gazebo, upgrading the electricity, and adding LED lights to the monument. Additionally, trees were removed from around the gazebo for better visibility, and mature walnut trees were removed from the perimeter to allow more light to reach the park lawn. 

Shappell Park hosts many events throughout the year, including the Open Air Market that runs Sundays from July through October, Music in the Park, Pork Roll Palooza, Movie Nights, Olde Town Festival, the judging stand for the Halloween parade, and the annual tree lighting and Santa visit, and recently announced, to celebrate 170 years of the railroads in Phillipsburg highlighting the town’s prominence as a transportation hub this September 10th, at the first-ever Phillipsburg New Jersey Railroad Festival!

These activities are enjoyed by thousands of visitors and residents, young and old, and we hope to see you at one of the next events at Shappell Park. 

Welcome to South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey!
  1. South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey Walking Tour
  2. Northampton "Free" Bridge
  3. Union Square
  4. Union Square Hotel
  5. The Apothecarium
  6. Bullman Street Stairway
  7. Phillipsburg Arts Building
  8. Elks Club Building
  9. Presbyterian Manse
  10. Stites and Lander Stewart Mansion
  11. 96-98 South Main St
  12. Dale Estate
  13. 118 South Main St
  14. Phillipsburg National Bank
  15. 129 South Main St
  16. 131 South Main St
  17. Skinner Building
  18. 165 South Main St
  19. Union Train Station
  20. Red Vandergrift "Black" Bridge
  21. Joe's Steak Shop
  22. Shappell Park
  23. Thanks for visiting South Main Street in Phillipsburg, New Jersey.