68 south main v2s

Phillipsburg Arts Building

Phillipsburg Arts Building is located at 68 South Main Street.

Although its architectural style is from a later period than most professional buildings along this section of South Main, this is an example of a vital period style in this country called Neoclassical, with similar elements to the bank across the street. It was also constructed in the nineteen twenties. The symmetrical front with a parapet, belt course, and cornice with dentils are characteristic elements; more critical are the compass-arch windows. Modest keystones in the flat-arch lintels on the second floor and the engaged balustrades in the parapet illustrate admirable restraint by the architect. The tour producer had an opportunity to visit the basement and was impressed by the structural timbers, 12 inches by 12 inches sitting on similar size timbers. Impressive.

This building was once the Post Office and a school. Before the front part of the building was added, it was a grain warehouse in the eighteen-nineties, the ghost of the shed-roofed warehouse was visible at the rear of the left side, and there was a loading platform at the back. The Neoclassical façade is a much later construction. 

As a teaching moment, this is the perfect example that it's difficult to determine a building's history from its present façade or style, a lesson we'll have to remember as we examine several additional buildings along South Main Street.

Welcome to South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey!
  1. South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey Walking Tour
  2. Northampton "Free" Bridge
  3. Union Square
  4. Union Square Hotel
  5. The Apothecarium
  6. Bullman Street Stairway
  7. Phillipsburg Arts Building
  8. Elks Club Building
  9. Presbyterian Manse
  10. Stites and Lander Stewart Mansion
  11. 96-98 South Main St
  12. Dale Estate
  13. 118 South Main St
  14. Phillipsburg National Bank
  15. 129 South Main St
  16. 131 South Main St
  17. Skinner Building
  18. 165 South Main St
  19. Union Train Station
  20. Red Vandergrift "Black" Bridge
  21. Joe's Steak Shop
  22. Shappell Park
  23. Thanks for visiting South Main Street in Phillipsburg, New Jersey.