118 southmainv2

118 South Main St

118 South Main St

The building is one of the finest residential examples of Second Empire architecture in the town, built between 1874 and 1885 based on the Sanborn insurance maps. The building has a mansard roof with three dormers, a balcony, bay windows, and an entry porch with elaborate drip molds with incised floral designs supported by modillions. There are casement windows on the second floor over the double-hung windows on the first floor.

The Fishscale slate on the roof is a common element of this style, as are the brackets and panels beneath the eaves. The original porch featured patterned cutouts instead of the stock-turned spindles now in place.

Welcome to South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey!
  1. South Main Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey Walking Tour
  2. Northampton "Free" Bridge
  3. Union Square
  4. Union Square Hotel
  5. The Apothecarium
  6. Bullman Street Stairway
  7. Phillipsburg Arts Building
  8. Elks Club Building
  9. Presbyterian Manse
  10. Stites and Lander Stewart Mansion
  11. 96-98 South Main St
  12. Dale Estate
  13. 118 South Main St
  14. Phillipsburg National Bank
  15. 129 South Main St
  16. 131 South Main St
  17. Skinner Building
  18. 165 South Main St
  19. Union Train Station
  20. Red Vandergrift "Black" Bridge
  21. Joe's Steak Shop
  22. Shappell Park
  23. Thanks for visiting South Main Street in Phillipsburg, New Jersey.