

Here we have the Smoketree, or Cotinus coggygria, a small tree in the cashew and poison ivy family, usually reaching heights of 10 to 15 feet. For those extremely sensitive to poison ivy, the sap of the Smoketree can cause similar irritation or contact dermatitis. It features medium-sized, ovate, blue-green leaves in the summer that turn yellow or reddish-purple in the fall. The leaves are alternate, simple, and smooth edged. The small yellow flowers are inconspicuous, but the clusters that appear in the summer have a distinctive wispy, pink-haired appearance, giving the tree its "smoky" look. The young bark is smooth and light gray, becoming rougher with age. The stems are brown or purplish and multistemmed with many lenticels. The tree produces small, kidney-shaped fruit containing a single seed.

Tree ID Trail at Hayes Arb
  1. Arborvitae, Emerald Green
  2. Arborvitae, Green American
  3. Arborvitae, Green Giant
  4. Artemis I Moon Tree 23
  5. Ash, Black
  6. Ash, Blue
  7. Ash, Green
  8. Ash, Red
  9. Ash, White
  10. Aspen, Quaking
  11. Basswood, American
  12. Beech, American
  13. Beech, Cut Leaf European
  14. Birch, River
  15. Birch, Yellow
  16. Blackgum
  17. Blackgum, Wildfire
  18. Blackhaw
  19. Bladdernut, American
  20. Box Elder
  21. Buckeye, Ohio
  22. Buckeye, Red
  23. Buckeye, Sweet
  24. Butternut
  25. Catalpa, Northern
  26. Cedar, Eastern Red
  27. Cherry, Black
  28. Chestnut, Hybrid
  29. Chokeberry, Brilliant Red
  30. Coffee Tree, Kentucky
  31. Cottonwood, Eastern
  32. Cypress, Bald
  33. Dogwood, Flowering
  34. Dogwood, Pagoda
  35. Elm, Cork
  36. Elm, Frontier
  37. Elm, Princeton
  38. Elm, Slippery
  39. Ginkgo
  40. Hackberry, Common
  41. Hawthorn
  42. Hawthorn, Winterking
  43. Hemlock, Canadian
  44. Hickory, Bitternut
  45. Hickory, Pignut
  46. Hickory, Shagbark
  47. Hickory, Shellbark
  48. Hornbeam, American
  49. Hornbeam, Frans Fontaine
  50. Hornbeam, Rockhampton Red
  51. Horsechestnut, Autumn Splendor
  52. Horsechestnut, Double White
  53. Ironwood
  54. Locust, Black
  55. Locust, Honey
  56. Magnolia, Cucumber
  57. Maple, Armstrong Red
  58. Maple, Armstrong Gold
  59. Maple, Black
  60. Maple, Brandywine Red
  61. Maple, Commemoration Sugar
  62. Maple, Fall Fiesta Sugar
  63. Maple, Green Mountain Sugar
  64. Maple, October Glory Red
  65. Maple, Red Sunset
  66. Maple. Silver
  67. Maple, Sugar
  68. Maple, Wright Brothers Sugar
  69. Ninebark, Common
  70. Oak, Black
  71. Oak, Blackjack
  72. Oak, Bur
  73. Oak, Chestnut
  74. Oak, Chinquapin
  75. Oak, Northern Red
  76. Oak, Pin
  77. Oak, Regal Prince
  78. Oak, Sawtooth
  79. Oak, Scarlet
  80. Oak, Shingle
  81. Oak, Shumard
  82. Oak, Swamp White
  83. Oak, White
  84. Osage Orange
  85. Paw Paw
  86. Pecan
  87. Persimmon, Common
  88. Pine, White
  89. Plum, American
  90. Redbud, Eastern
  91. Redwood, Dawn
  92. Redwood, Gold Rush Dawn
  93. Sassafras
  94. Serviceberry, Autumn Brilliance Apple
  95. Serviceberry, Cumulus Alleghany
  96. Smoketree
  97. Spicebush, Northern
  98. Spruce, Norway
  99. Sumac, Staghorn
  100. Sweetgum, American
  101. Sweetgum, Moraine
  102. Sycamore, American
  103. Tulip Tree
  104. Virginia Creeper
  105. Walnut, Black
  106. Witchhazel, Common
  107. Winterberry (Female)
  108. Winterberry (Male)
  109. Yellowwood