Standing before you now is the mighty Bur Oak, scientifically known as Quercus macrocarpa, a towering sentinel amidst grassy openings and prairies. Run your hands along its thick bark, a sturdy armor against prairie fires. Stretching skyward at 70 to 80 feet, it stands among the tallest trees in the Eastern United States. Often exceeding 400 years old, the Bur Oak is able to survive in diverse habitats, from dry, sandy soils to lush wetlands. Reach out to feel the texture of its large leaves, dark green above and silvery green beneath. In April and May, observe male flowers cascading in clusters, while spike-like female flowers bloom near fresh foliage. Its fruits are enveloped in a robust cap, a challenge only for those capable of penetrating its protective shell. Take some time to experience the majesty of the Bur Oak, a true marvel of nature's resilience.