Standing on the steps of the font, you might ask, what is a font?
The word font comes from the Latin word fons which mean spring, a place where water springs up from the ground. Think of other words like fountain and you will recognise a link with water.
The font is placed at the back of the church near the doors you used to come into the Abbey.
The font is the place where anyone can start their journey as a Christian.
That's why it is near the doors, the place where you start your journey around the Abbey.
When someone wants to start their journey as a Christian they get baptised or christened. These words reflect the time when Jesus started his work on earth after John the Baptist dunked many people, including Jesus, in the river Jordan. John the Baptist gives us baptism and because Jesus Christ started his work teaching and healing after he was dunked, we get christening.
The flags either side of the big window belonged to a famous man called Earl Mountbatten. We will find out about him a little later in our visit.
Now, find the large white effigy – a lying down statue – to the left of the window.