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Welcome to Romsey Abbey

Walk towards the middle of the church and take a seat. We hope you will enjoy the peace, beauty and the many interesting things to see in this ancient and holy place. Now, have a good look around you.

The original Abbey was founded 1100 years ago by King Edward the Elder, the son of Alfred the Great. It was part of a nunnery – a place where nuns lived and worshipped God.

Take a moment to look down the Abbey to the Altar at the east end. 900 years ago the old Saxon church was replaced by this great Norman church. It is over 64 metres long, and the ceiling is over 21 metres above your head.

Make your way to the back of the Abbey to the steps of the font.

Romsey Abbey Tour for Young People
  1. Welcome to Romsey Abbey
  2. The Font
  3. William Petty
  4. The Lectern
  5. The Pulpit
  6. The Abbess's Doorway
  7. Saint Nicholas’ Chapel – the South Transept
  8. The Threadgold Treasury
  9. Saint Anne’s Chapel
  10. Saint Ethelflaeda’s Chapel
  11. Saint Mary’s Chapel
  12. Saint George’s Chapel
  13. North Choir Aisle
  14. The Chancel
  15. Saxon Foundations
  16. Saint Lawrence’s Chapel – the North Transept
  17. North Nave Aisle
  18. The Shop Area
  19. The South Garth
  20. A Message from the Vicar, the Reverend Thomas Wharton