Audio transcription:
“My name is Mary Jo Bole and I am an artist. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio and I reside in Columbus, Ohio, and my main mediums are sculpture, book arts and drawing. I wanted a sort of vista, the kind with a large and massive presence from a distance, and to clearly see that there’s a tree oddly growing out of this. Most people can distinguish that it’s metal or some hand-wrought material so that it would have something from a distance, and that then as you get closer you would experience the kind of minutia, and then would see the sheen and shininess of the ceramic. These monument plaques are ceramic photographs, and you would see they depict trees already swallowing things, and the piece would live in your mind as you put those ingredients together and would foreshadow what would happen. I see it as funerary, and that it would be clear that for this to take place it would be in the fairly distant future, and would most likely happen after the lifespan of the viewer.”
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