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Jaunty Hornbeam and Sanguine Standing Stone

Audio transcription:

“I’m Joe Wheelwright and I work in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Vermont, in a little village called East Corinth. I used to live in a commune in the early ’70s; that’s how I got started, and that was in Vermont. We were able to acquire a little piece of land up there, and in the early days I began collecting things I found on walks; little insect bones, or cocoons, or snails, and twigs and flowers – all kinds of little things – and they would turn up in my artworks which, in those days, were dioramas. But as the years have gone by, I’ve concentrated more on the trees and on stones. I’m inspired by nature; I see the art in nature quite often, and I also see us. Stones are very much like our heads. They’re stubborn; they seem to have a great capacity for thinking. They’re often quite patient. They can get violent and so on, whereas trees are like our bodies; they’re very energized and athletic. Their arms are flailing and their roots are seeking things underground and the branches are reaching for the sun, so they are more like our bodies.”

To learn more about Sanguine Standing Stone & Jaunty Hornbeam, visit

Dublin Art in Public Places
  1. Field of Corn (with Osage Orange Trees)
  2. Leatherlips
  3. Out of Bounds
  4. Recreation Center Relief Sculptures: Charting History, Community Time Capsule and Running Man Frieze (after Muybridge)
  5. Jack Nicklaus Tribute Sculpture
  6. Watch House
  7. Going, Going... Gone!
  8. Ascension
  9. One Step at a Time
  10. Narrow #5
  11. Injection
  12. Exuvia
  13. Modified Social Benches
  14. One Scene and Untitled
  15. Jaunty Hornbeam and Sanguine Standing Stone
  16. The Simulation of George M. Karrer's Workshop
  17. Playing Through
  18. Daily Chores
  19. Tree of Life, Future Tense
  20. Dublin Tunnel Mural
  21. Feather Point
  22. The Boat in the Field