I would describe myself as a materials and process-based artist and this drawing highlights is a strong example of this description. I make many drawings and paintings based on natural pigments that I have made and I also take the actual plants and often use them to create ephemeral sculptures to complement the 2-dimensional work. While the basis of this work is the complex interwoven lines creating imagery of the mountain peaks in the Ten Mile Mountain Range, these bits of drawn imagery are enhanced by the faint pigments I created from plants and soils sourced from the area. I specifically used soils and plants found in the Breckenridge and Camp Hale areas. I have always found that my natural surroundings effect work both in imagery and in materials and drawing is part of that creative legacy.
Ten Mile Range is just one of many drawn narratives in my Homecoming series. The Ten Mile Mountain Range in Colorado is hugged by the Continental Divide and is often associated with the Mosquito Mountain Range to the south, yet it has other more personal significance for me. My family lived in Breckenridge for a period of time and my father was part of the 10th Mountain Division that was stationed at Camp Hale, both of which are within the Ten Mile Range. This was the driving factor in my search for just the right pigments to highlight the drawing.
I find that weaving materials sourced from a location that inspires my work creates a deeper and an alternate view of nature.
Thank you for listening