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El Viaje / The Journey - Mural located on 38th & Osage - La Raza Park
Public Art Average Success Rate:
Rejected Project Proposal:
Proposed Project Location:
Virginia, USA
This project was going to be a very large mural on the side of a new parking garage approximately 150’ x 25’. The mural was going to illustrate and highlight the history of the town. I was excited about this mural because it was going to be the biggest mural I had ever painted.
"I Regret to Inform You..." Artist Response:
I was actually awarded this project but due to unexplained circumstances the project was denied and canceled a few months after I had received a congratulations letter. Although not confirmed, my feeling as to why this mural was rejected after the fact was because of some of the historical content not being visually accepted. This was the first time that I realized the social political issues specifically having to do with race, identity, and equality in this county are still very much alive and, in many ways, still very traditional and unequal. I also realized how impactful and influential this is on public art.