While standing here at this corner, you can take in the beauty of most of the cathedral. looking to the front, you can see the sanctuary area, towards your left is the Blessid Sacrament Chapel, which is in the West transept.
On the other side is the East transept, which has our Marian Chapel. As you look to the middle of the cathedral, you will see two side shrines, one in honor of Saint Joseph, and, the other in honor of Saint Patrick.
Looking towards the rear of the cathedral you will notice the Baptism font, and Easter Candle. Above these, you can see the choir loft, with a beautiful statue of Our Lady of La Lecce. On the upper rear wall, and, through out the Church you will see many murals that we will point out as the tour moves through the cathedral.
Now it's time to begin, with stops in each area.
Please move straight from here to the center isle of the cathedral, and face the front.
Then start the next stop.