Whilst surrounded by the past it is impossible not to think of the future. What would the world 200 years from now have been like if people had continued to bury themselves with the same vigour as they did in the past? There was a sense of permanence to the past that the future no longer has – Motifs set in stone have no place in a temporary and precarious future – The future is a temporary event made for a set time only for the people who are lucky enough to be there – Monuments should be taken down again and repurposed for the next thing – the new thing - recycling the building blocks of the past and throwing them into all possible futures for the next people to use as they see fit.
All the components for this work had a life before this exhibition and will go on to take as yet unknown forms in the future. If you would like to make something out of copper lined timber or metal hexagons once this exhibition is complete please get in touch.