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Hyatt House

220 East Water Street

Built circa 1785. Constructed by an English sea captain, Lockwood Hyatt. The inside walls slant toward the river, and the living room is shaped like a ship. Initially built in the federal style with similar exterior features to the neighboring houses to the west, the exterior has been substantially altered. Rumor has it that the ghost of Captain Hyatt resides on the third floor of this house, looking for ships coming up the river.

Harbor District Historical Tour - Washington, North Carolina
  1. St. Peter's Graveyard
  2. A. W. Styron House
  3. Farrow Shipyard
  4. Marsh House
  5. Myers House
  6. Hyatt House
  7. U. S. Weather Bureau Storm-Warning Tower
  8. J. S. Farren Oyster Cannery
  9. Mulberry Tavern
  10. City Market House
  11. Old Town Hall
  12. Old Beaufort County Courthouse
  13. John Gray Blount House
  14. Turnage Theater
  15. Hotel Louise
  16. Mallison Hardware
  17. S. R. Fowle Store
  18. Fowle Warehouse
  19. Bank of Washington
  20. Atlantic Coastline Terminal
  21. Pamlico Point Lighthouse
  22. Havens Warf
  23. Havens House
  24. Fowle House
  25. U. S. Lighthouse Service Buoy Yard
  26. More Information