Hello Falcons,
Welcome to the FSMS Counselors’ office. Your counselors, Mrs. Angibeau- 8th grade, Mrs. Armatta-7th grade, and Ms. Kendrick 6th grade, are available to assist students, parents, and school staff in a variety of ways. The counselors’ doors are always open. You may reach the counselors by phone or email, but email is often the quickest way to receive a response.
The schedules you have picked up today are DRAFTS and are subject to change. We are unable to grant teacher requests and changes will be approved based on availability. Please check your schedule closely to make sure you have a class listed for every period of the day. If you find a conflict, please complete a schedule conflict form, and leave it in one of the baskets. You may also use the QR code posted around campus to complete the form and lastly you may find the link to the form on our FSMS counselor webpage. You can find our counselor page under the parent/student tab on the FSMS website.
We are excited about seeing everyone on August 9th! Thanks!