Where you ve been placeholder

To Mark Where You’ve Been and Where You’re Going

Cairns are markers. They are signposts to record important information. They mark a burial spot, a place of ceremonial significance, and have been used in times of defense. In modern times they are used for hikers to find lost trails that have been covered with snow or overgrown. They take work to build and despite their strength and weight, they remain fragile, easily dismantled stone by stone.


Work on yourself. Take the time to mark where you’ve been and where you’re going. Take note of the causes of bad times, and commemorate the good.

Brady Smith - (Don't be embarrassed by) Your Trouble with Living
  1. But At Least I Exist
  2. It’s Helpful, It’s Important, It’s Essential
  3. Allen
  4. Jazzmyn
  5. Corry
  6. Ethan
  7. Harper
  8. This isn’t Timely or Trendy
  9. Keep Out of the Soil
  10. The Death We Outgrew
  11. I Can Hardly Stand
  12. Guess I’ll Just Keep Moving
  13. Things I Thought Were Easy
  14. Portrait of Virginia Woolf
  15. The Profound Void of an Empty Stomach
  16. Things Best Forgotten
  17. Better Sons
  18. To Mark Where You’ve Been and Where You’re Going
  19. Resources