Better sons

Better Sons

Find people in your life to relate to. This is essential. Find someone to make a mutual promise that when days are really hard and thoughts of suicide are present, that you can reach out without any worry of judgement. Find someone with similar experiences to yours that can be a companion through the hell that is suicidal ideation.


By Rilo Kiley:

“But you'll fight and you'll make it through

You'll fake it if you have to and

You'll show up for work with a smile.

You'll be better and you'll be smarter and more grown up

And a better daughter or son and a real good friend,

And you'll be awake,

You'll be alert, you'll be positive though it hurts

And you'll laugh and embrace all your friends

You'll be a real good listener, you'll be honest, you'll be brave

You'll be handsome and you'll be beautiful.

You'll be happy.”

Brady Smith - (Don't be embarrassed by) Your Trouble with Living
  1. But At Least I Exist
  2. It’s Helpful, It’s Important, It’s Essential
  3. Allen
  4. Jazzmyn
  5. Corry
  6. Ethan
  7. Harper
  8. This isn’t Timely or Trendy
  9. Keep Out of the Soil
  10. The Death We Outgrew
  11. I Can Hardly Stand
  12. Guess I’ll Just Keep Moving
  13. Things I Thought Were Easy
  14. Portrait of Virginia Woolf
  15. The Profound Void of an Empty Stomach
  16. Things Best Forgotten
  17. Better Sons
  18. To Mark Where You’ve Been and Where You’re Going
  19. Resources