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The old corn cribs contain our dependable chickens.  Currently there are hens (females) and roosters (males) of many varieties.  Rhode Island reds are good laying hens, laying large brownish eggs, good for eating! The smaller hens lay a variety of greenish blue eggs, perfect for eating or blowing out for decorations in the spring.  Many times you'll see clutches of eggs in the nesting boxes or inside the huts.  Although eggs are collected daily, we also leave some for visitors to view.  

The peafowl are next to the Dirt Diner play area. The most colorful one is the male and his name is Ferdinand.  The others are females:  Fiona and Fanny.  From spring-summer, Ferdinand makes a "help" sound to attract a mate.  He also struts around showing off his glorious tail feathers.  Once the end of summer is near, he stops this behavior and loses his tail feathers.  Don't worry, the feathers will grow back next spring.  

Enjoy visiting the ducks and turkeys too!  

Remember to keep your fingers out of all bird pens; those fingers look like worms and guess what the birds love to eat!  Yup!  Worms!  So be smart, kind and respectful to stay safe and keep our animals safe and happy too.  

Welcome to Paulus Farm Market & FarmPark! We are glad you’ve come to visit and hope you enjoy this tour.
  1. Paulus Farm Market of Mechanicsburg: a family owned and operated farm business
  2. Birds
  3. Sheep & Alpaca
  4. Cows & Pigs
  5. FarmPark goats & donkey