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Karin accompanied Garette and was my last portrait sitter on day one of painting.  All I remember was that she had, to my color-challenged eye, this incredibly beautiful alabaster skin and I was thinking to myself how the heck am I going to replicate this color on cardboard.  Well, I did my best, then Karin, Garette and I went out and had a nice meal together.  Perhaps the best lessons I learned this first day of painting portraits on cardboard were to just jump in and course correct along the way and that it was okay to be satisfied with a likeness approximating 80% of my portrait sitter as I was devoting only about 90 minutes to each portrait.

The Pizza Box Portrait Project . September 6 - 29, 2019
  1. Overview
  2. Jennifer
  3. Garette
  4. Karin
  5. Julia
  6. Helen
  7. Dominic
  8. Catherine
  9. Namrata
  10. Justin
  11. Randy
  12. Ya Ya
  13. Melody
  14. Elysia
  15. Nicole
  16. Sonya
  17. Nokoa
  18. Paige
  19. Jason
  20. Ellie
  21. Emily
  22. Susan
  23. Wesley
  24. Rasheem
  25. Allison
  26. LaWanda
  27. Christine
  28. Seper
  29. Shoshana
  30. Dwayne
  31. Tyler
  32. Jarreau
  33. Marina
  34. Curtis
  35. Madeleine
  36. Stephanie
  37. Chris
  38. Erica
  39. Jamie
  40. Jasmine
  41. What’s next?
  42. Portrait Party . Sep. 15 . 2-4pm