This exhibit contains more fish from the warm tropical waters of the western Atlantic and Caribbean. The coral reefs in this area provide food and shelter for millions of fish, sea turtles, crustaceans and invertebrates — making them one of Earth’s most diverse habitats.
Another amazing animal in this display is the large Scrawled Filefish. The blue lines on his body are BIOFLUORESCENT. Proteins in the skin absorb energy from sunlight and re-emit it, making his stripes look like they are glowing! They are unusual looking fish and are capable of rapid color changes to blend into their local environment.
They use their cryptic coloration and patterns to blend into their surroundings, often mimicking the appearance of corals, sponges, and other underwater structures.
Scrawled filefish are known to visit cleaning stations on coral reefs. Cleaning stations are areas where cleaner fish and cleaner shrimp remove parasites and debris from the bodies of larger fish. The filefish benefit from this service by having parasites removed.