The Barn

Peter Wentz established his farm in 1744.  The first structure he built was the barn, to protect his animals and equipment.  The barn in front of you is a reproduction, but it was built over the foundation of the original barn.  A date stone in the early foundation still reads “P W 1744.”

The current structure is a reconstruction, based on a classic Pennsylvania German style barn.  It is a two-story bank barn, with the bottom level built into the earth, and the top level extending two floors above ground.  Pennsylvania German farmers kept their animals in the bottom level, where the ground provided year-round insulation, keeping the animals cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.  Hay, grain, and equipment were stored in the upper level.  The barn is open during some of our larger events.

Please head to your next stop, which is the wooden chicken coop and fenced in yard located on the other side of the drive.

Peter Wentz Farmstead Self-Guided Tour
  1. Welcome!
  2. Visitor Center
  3. The Farmstead
  4. Historic House (front)
  5. Historic House (back)
  6. Woodshed
  7. The Smokehouse
  8. Root Cellar and Ice House
  9. Sheepfold and Pasture
  10. The Barn
  11. Chicken Coop
  12. Cow Pastures
  13. Wet Meadow and Watershed
  14. Managed Woodlot
  15. Feedback Survey