Historic House (front)

Built in 1758 by Peter and Rosanna Wentz, this house is a great example of the Georgian architectural style, which was popular in colonial America.  Symmetry in the placement of doors and windows is a key characteristic of a Georgian home.  The exposed red stone and the doors, shutters, and their hardware are original to the house.  If you look closely on the right half of the house, you might notice initials carved into the stones.  They are also original, although we do not know what the initials represent.

Peter was the son of a German immigrant, so you can also see some German influence in the home.  The balcony on the second floor and the house blessing, located in the back, as well as bright paint colors and patterns inside, are all German characteristics. 

The house was preserved as a historic site because General George Washington stayed at the farmstead, twice in October 1777, the night before, and a few nights after, the Battle of Germantown.  He, his aides, and members of his guard stayed on the Wentz property, while the troops camped in the surrounding Worcester area. 

For more information on Washington and his troops in Montgomery County, please visit our storymap by clicking on this link: Continental Army in Montgomery County Storymap.


For your next stop, please head to the rear of the house, by walking back up the gravel drive.  Pause when you can see the water pump and the out kitchen building.

Peter Wentz Farmstead Self-Guided Tour
  1. Welcome!
  2. Visitor Center
  3. The Farmstead
  4. Historic House (front)
  5. Historic House (back)
  6. Woodshed
  7. The Smokehouse
  8. Root Cellar and Ice House
  9. Sheepfold and Pasture
  10. The Barn
  11. Chicken Coop
  12. Cow Pastures
  13. Wet Meadow and Watershed
  14. Managed Woodlot
  15. Feedback Survey