Melody epperson emmeline pankhurst encaustic 16 x16  2016

Emmeline Pankhurst

July 15, 1858-1928

Manchester, United Kingdom


"We shall fight against the condition of affairs so long as life is in us.” 


“Trust in God, she will provide”


Emmeline was a powerful leader in England’s women’s suffrage movement. She co-founded the Women’s Social and Political Union with her daughter Christabel. The WSPU coined the phrase “Deeds not words” because they felt it was necessary to take action in order to achieve women’s suffrage. These women were called Suffragettes. 

She worked for 40 years in England to gain the right for women to vote, and she died shortly after women in England were given full right to vote. During her life she, like many others, was arrested and force-fed. She was arrested at least 7 times for protesting.

Melody Epperson - 100 Years + 1: Women and the Vote
  1. Susan B. Anthony
  2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  3. Emmeline Pankhurst
  4. Angelina and Sara Grimke
  5. Frederick Douglass
  6. Maude Wood Park
  7. Alice Paul
  8. Elizabeth Smith Miller
  9. Lucy Burns
  10. Frances Willard
  11. Ellis Meredith
  12. Lucy Stone
  13. Sojourner Truth
  14. Carrie Chapman Catt
  15. Ida B. Wells
  16. Margarete (Molly) Brown