Park   school teachers

Maplehurst (221 South St)

Maplehurst was built in 1880 by Edward John Stevens and his wife Margaret Ann Markland with money and land she inherited from her father.  It is named after a grove of maples that were planted on the property. The Stevens’ had seven children.  Two daughters, Ida and Nellie never married and inherited Maplehurst after their parents died.  Ida and Nellie were both beloved local school teachers who shared a passion for botany. Nellie successfully cross-pollinated a Chinese and native holly tree resulting in a tree known for superior qualities of sturdiness and beauty. The Nellie R Stevens Holly was nationally registered in 1952.  The original tree still stands on the grounds of this private residence.

The current owners (who also restored Saint Paul’s Church) purchased Maplehurst in 1979.  The exterior of the house remains essentially the same as when it was built.  A recent addition on the left replaces an older one built by the two sisters and later removed.

Walk back to Morris Street and carefully cross to the other side.  Turn left, walk to the next corner and turn to face the head of Town Creek.

Historic Oxford Walking Tour
  1. Walking Tour Welcome
  2. Introduction
  3. Town Park (100 S Morris St)
  4. Oxford Museum (101 S Morris St)
  5. Academy House (205 N Morris St)
  6. Barnaby House (212 N Morris St)
  7. Molly Stewart / Postmistress House (216 N Morris St)
  8. Grapevine House (309 N Morris St)
  9. Stewart House (319 N Morris St)
  10. Town Point #1 Customs House
  11. Town Point #2 Ice House / Tred Avon Yacht Club
  12. Sandaway Suites and Beach - (103 W Strand)
  13. The Story of Robert Morris, Sr.
  14. Robert Morris Inn (314 N Morris St)
  15. Oxford - Bellevue Ferry (101 E Strand)
  16. The Strand, Kerr’s Island (100 E Strand to 512 E Strand)
  17. Oxford Boatyard | Packing House | Docks
  18. Cutts and Case and Byberry House (306 Tilghman St)
  19. Odd Fellows Hall (201 Tilghman St)
  20. African American Schoolhouse, Sail Loft (208 Tilghman St)
  21. Waters United Methodist Church (205 Market St)
  22. Oxford Library (101 Market St)
  23. The Bringmans
  24. Oxford Social Cafe, formerly part of The Eastford Hall Hotel (102 S Morris St)
  25. Maryland Military and Naval Academy
  26. Red Men’s Hall (202 S Morris St)
  27. Mystery Loves Company
  28. The Mews (105 S Morris St)
  29. Saint Paul's Church (225 S Morris St)
  30. Maplehurst (221 South St)
  31. Applegarth Boatyard (317 S Morris St)
  32. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (502 S Morris St)
  33. Pope’s Tavern (504 S Morris St)
  34. Oxford Community Center, formerly Oxford High School/Elementary School (200 Oxford Road)
  35. Oxford Cemetery (Oxford Cemetery Road)
  36. John Wesley Church (Oxford and Evergreen Road)
  37. Conclusion