
7. Hotel

Castle Dome was on the stage coach route from Phoenix to Yuma. The hotel provided overnight accommodations for the weary traveler where a meal could be purchased for $1. This hotel has 3 bedrooms.

In the back of the hotel is the gaming room.  

The box in the back left corner was a quick disconnect to switch back and forth when gaming was legal or illegal.  The roulette wheel could be taken out and hidden in there.

The table and wheel are original from 1890.

The other game is called Chuck-a-luck and originated in English pubs. The six sides of the dice are inscribed clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades, crown and anchor. By 1900, it was called Birdcage, and eventually chuck-a-luck. You can see the game played by Lazar in the James Bond movie "The Man with the Golden Gun," Initially, the game was played with a cup and three dice that were tossed across the table. To deal with allegations of cheating by operators who used both weighted dice and the practice of trick throwing, the cup was replaced with a birdcage-like device. 

The player has various chances to wager on the outcome of the roll of three dice..

Notice the old tin ceilings. Tin ceilings were introduced to North America as an affordable alternative to the exquisite plasterwork used in European homes. They gained popularity in the late eighteen hundreds as Americans sought sophisticated interior design and were first made of corrugated iron sheets.

The windows and door in this building are from 1817. The glass is some of the earliest glass in America. Notice the bubbles and greenish color..

Also notice the front door uses no steel fasteners, It only uses dovetail joints and wooden dowels to secure it together.


Castle Dome Mine Town Museum
  1. Welcome and Tour Information
  2. History of the Town
  3. 1. Posse House
  4. 2. Barber
  5. 3. Haul Wagon
  6. 4. Stamp Mill
  7. 5. Cowboy Bar
  8. 6. Mercantile
  9. 7. Hotel
  10. 8. Church
  11. 9. Blacksmith
  12. 10. 70's Building
  13. 11. Water Drilling Rig