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Ting Wang - "These Trying Times-Being Chinese in America Then and Now"

These Trying Times: Being Chinese in America Then and Now is a series of typography-based prints highlighting the Chinese immigrant experience in America historically and in the current socio-political environment. The Chinese in America have been the target of a broad scope and array of stigmas and stereotypes throughout American history, ranging from thieves and swindlers to quiet, hard-working models of society. Currently, China is painted as the source of America’s health and economic woes by the former and current presidents’ administrations, translating into abnormally higher instances of hate and discrimination reported by the Asian community. Being a Chinese immigrant, I have firsthand experiences of misunderstanding and targeting from my American family members and the community. I wanted to create a series of bilingual posters that advocate and provide empathy and understanding for a group of people who are vital to the growth and prosperity of this nation. I chose four critical Chinese Americans from various fields across different periods to better represent this group.

528.0 Regional Juried Printmaking Exhibition
  1. Florence Alfano McEwin - "Early Snow"
  2. Jill Bergman - "The Night Mysteries"
  3. John Bonath - "Synapse Tapestry #3"
  4. Tonia Bonnell - "Emerge From Black 1" and "Emerge From Black 7"
  5. Taiko Chandler - "Point to Point"
  6. Taiko Chandler - "On and On #117"
  7. Leilani Derr - "Dead Ends"
  8. Alistair Dunnington - "Indoor Games"
  9. Todd Edward Herman - "OTHER ANATOMIES - #03"
  10. Gay Germain - "Butterflies Are Free"
  11. Laura Grossett - "Growing, Unfolding" and "Experiment of Green"
  12. Jim Jereb - "Two Steps," "Meeting," and "Hold"
  13. Erin Jones - "The Ones Who Taught Me"
  14. Allyson Kotarsky - "To wring out an unrelenting tide"
  15. Joanne Lefrak - "You are a monsoon"
  16. Audrey Mantooth - "The Culling"
  17. Alicia McKim - "Hortus"
  18. Deb Rosenbaum - "Hand and Glove #1"
  19. Gregory Santos - "I Suspect Professor Plum with the Rope"
  20. Sue Sommers - "Manna: Empty Vessels 12/12"
  21. Ting Wang - "These Trying Times-Being Chinese in America Then and Now"
  22. Chris Warot - "The First Day I"
  23. Gail Watson - "Under the Gun" and "The Language of Trees"
  24. Mami Yamamoto - "Sometimes Optimism Does Work"
  25. Bruce Zander - "Faces (Spain)"