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Deb Rosenbaum - "Hand and Glove #1"

Hello, this is collage artist and printmaker, Deb Rosenbaum.  My piece, printed at Red Delicious Press in Aurora, is part of a series of monotype prints on the theme of hands and gloves, and the work they do together.   I rolled ink on a gelatin plate, and made the image with stencils and textured objects on the soft surface.  Layers of different colors were printed on each print.  When dry, I embellished the prints with collage elements and a bit of color pencil.

528.0 Regional Juried Printmaking Exhibition
  1. Florence Alfano McEwin - "Early Snow"
  2. Jill Bergman - "The Night Mysteries"
  3. John Bonath - "Synapse Tapestry #3"
  4. Tonia Bonnell - "Emerge From Black 1" and "Emerge From Black 7"
  5. Taiko Chandler - "Point to Point"
  6. Taiko Chandler - "On and On #117"
  7. Leilani Derr - "Dead Ends"
  8. Alistair Dunnington - "Indoor Games"
  9. Todd Edward Herman - "OTHER ANATOMIES - #03"
  10. Gay Germain - "Butterflies Are Free"
  11. Laura Grossett - "Growing, Unfolding" and "Experiment of Green"
  12. Jim Jereb - "Two Steps," "Meeting," and "Hold"
  13. Erin Jones - "The Ones Who Taught Me"
  14. Allyson Kotarsky - "To wring out an unrelenting tide"
  15. Joanne Lefrak - "You are a monsoon"
  16. Audrey Mantooth - "The Culling"
  17. Alicia McKim - "Hortus"
  18. Deb Rosenbaum - "Hand and Glove #1"
  19. Gregory Santos - "I Suspect Professor Plum with the Rope"
  20. Sue Sommers - "Manna: Empty Vessels 12/12"
  21. Ting Wang - "These Trying Times-Being Chinese in America Then and Now"
  22. Chris Warot - "The First Day I"
  23. Gail Watson - "Under the Gun" and "The Language of Trees"
  24. Mami Yamamoto - "Sometimes Optimism Does Work"
  25. Bruce Zander - "Faces (Spain)"