09 people   aunt anna  scenic railway 2009.0060.08

Adventure Girl - The People

Adapted from “Aunt Anna’s Letters” in The Washington Post, November 17, 1918, sent in by Adventure Girl remembering her fun day trip to the beach.


Dear Aunt Anna,

My mother, my little sister, and a girl friend of mine went on an adventure to Chesapeake Beach.  We left home loaded down with boxes and bundles full of good food, a camp stool, a book and a few other things.  We caught the train at Chesapeake Beach Junction, being sure to get window seats to watch the pretty scenery. 

When the conductor shouted, “All out for Chesapeake Beach,” we gathered our boxes and bundles and hurried off of the train.  It was about noontime, so we found a nice shady spot to have dinner.  Mother sat on her camp-stool, while we girls sat on clean newspaper on the ground.  We opened the lunch boxes filled with cakes, fruit, hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches and all kinds of goodies. 

After eating, we went to the boathouse and took off our shoes and stockings and went wading for about an hour, built sand houses, and gathered pretty shells.  Then we headed over to the amusements.  We had such fun riding on the merry-go-round, the scenic railway, and watching the trained monkeys in the bandshell.  We took chances on candy, dolls, Teddy bears and other attractive toys, but had no luck.  Our last stop before heading home was to the dancing pavilion to watch the dancers.  What a fun filled day!

  1. Otto Mears - The Dream
  2. Mildred Finlon - Chesapeake Beach Resort 1900-1929
  3. Lester Burn - Chesapeake Beach Resort 1900-1929
  4. Bernie Loveless - Seaside Park 1930-1942
  5. Brenda Armiger Proctor - Chesapeake Beach Amusement Park 1945-1972
  6. Roland Morsell - The Train
  7. Preston Bryant - The Steamship
  8. Dorothy Kline -The Stations
  9. Adventure Girl - The People
  10. Bernice Freedley West - The People
  11. Women's Suffragist - The People
  12. World War II Veteran - The People