Dark Blue Days

Sea of Serenity and Sea of Waves take their names from features of the moon, which were named for bodies of water because that is what they looked like through early 17th century telescopes. Some other features of the moon are named Sea of Tranquility, Sea of Crisis, Sea of Despair. Sea of Nectar, Ocean of Storms, Sea of the Edge. These names are so haunting, so sad. So full of emotion. I found these names to be perfect for what I was feeling as these works were made, during the dark Covid days, in the deep blue of Steamboat winter.  

For me these works in indigo capture the magic of water, of sky, the patterns of waves, and the mystery of all things blue. What do we feel in the face of water? Why Is it sacred, used for blessing? It is the purest of liquids, the clearest. We feel its mysterious life, and it quickens something in us.  

What happened out in the world, while I was quietly sequestered in my studio, growing new works into being? A disease. Covid. Travel shutting down. Empty grocery shelves. Nowhere to go. The world around me transformed as I was busy creating a world in blue.  

Wendy Kowynia: Following the Thread
  1. Wendy Kowynia Introduction
  2. About the Process
  3. Surge Series
  4. Pink Cloud Series
  5. Indigo
  6. Dark Blue Days
  7. Drift
  8. Chimera
  9. Soliloquy Series