Rediscovering the Past

Fort Ligonier’s legacy is a global one - this landscape made a world-wide impact. Without Ligonier there would be no Pittsburgh and all the innovation that city introduced to the world. Without Ligonier there would be no doorway to the western U.S.   

Preservation efforts started in 1934 by the Daughters of the American Revolution. In 1946, the Fort Ligonier Association was formed and led the first archeological digs on the Ligonier site. The first museum first opened to visitors in 1962. After a fundraising campaign during the 1980s and ‘90s a new phase of restoration started in 1996 and lasted for over 20 years. The new History Education Center and world-class exhibition were opened in 2017.

Be sure to tour the galleries inside to learn more about the Fort’s history and see the amazing artifact collection; and on your way out be sure to visit the Fort Store for a wide variety of informative and commemorative items to take home with you.

Visit and learn about the many public education and entertainment events at the Fort throughout the year. 

Thank you for visiting Fort Ligonier today!

Welcome to Fort Ligonier!
  1. Layalhanning
  2. Imperial Age
  3. Second Attempt
  4. First War of It's Kind
  5. Third Attempt
  6. An Impossible Task
  7. Beyond the Woods
  8. Friendly Fire
  9. What Better Time Than Now
  10. The Irascible Gentleman
  11. Leader's Legacies
  12. Seeds of Revolutions
  13. Forts to Families
  14. Roads Forward
  15. Rediscovering the Past