Beyond the Woods

As crews continued erecting fortifications and buildings, Major James Grant, of the Highland Scots, believed he had intelligence that Fort Duquesne was critically vulnerable. Unfortunately, he was unaware that it had just received reinforcements from Illinois. On the morning of September 14, 1758, Grant sat atop a hill overlooking Fort Duquesne with 850 Highlanders. He then drew out the enemy who quickly engaged, then surrounded Grant’s force in the woods, and drove many into the Allegheny River to drown. Grant was captured. He lost 273 men in less than 1 hour. This was the lowest point of the entire Forbes campaign. 

The French then made an attempt tp caputre the Post at Loyal Hanna on October 12, 1758. A 4-hour battle ensued that Colonel Burd finally won, around 3pm. The French regrouped and attacked again at night in driving rain - but Burd this was prepared, and his artillery gunned them down quickly. This was the Battle of Fort Ligonier

Play the story to hear much more ...

Welcome to Fort Ligonier!
  1. Layalhanning
  2. Imperial Age
  3. Second Attempt
  4. First War of It's Kind
  5. Third Attempt
  6. An Impossible Task
  7. Beyond the Woods
  8. Friendly Fire
  9. What Better Time Than Now
  10. The Irascible Gentleman
  11. Leader's Legacies
  12. Seeds of Revolutions
  13. Forts to Families
  14. Roads Forward
  15. Rediscovering the Past