Replica Codices are on display in this room. These were meticulously handcrafted by Apocrifa da Vinci in northern Italy, following years of extensive research. These reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci's original manuscripts authentically replicate every detail of every sheet.
These replica pages show aesthetic depth that earns a dimension of resonance as they refer not only to the writing and to the drawings that Leonardo left in his Codices, but also to the signs that the passing of time left on the pages.
Leonardo da Vinci's drawings are on display later in the experience.
In addition to these replicas, THE LUME Melbourne is proud to display original pages from the genius' precious Codex Atlanticus notebook, revealing his insatiable curiosity spanning anatomy, engineering, flying machines and hydraulic systems.
Don't miss the chance to see these original Da Vinci works for the first time in Australia - proudly displayed in the dedicated Codex Atlanticus room.
The Codex Atlanticus room is located at the back of the main multisensory gallery.