Sue tour intro

Tracers Series

A few years ago, I started to use recycled post-consumer packaging, unfolded, deconstructed, and sometimes cut, as printing plates. One of the most fascinating things about these objects was the idea that someone, somewhere, had spent a great deal of time calculating all the folds, cuts, holes, and tabs to make the flat thing become a 3-dimensional container. With this series, my objective was to highlight the irregular shapes and designs of these elements. By lightly rubbing the edges and fold-lines or wrinkles with various colors of oil-based ink, the outlines became more evident. Once all the printing was done, I traced over many of the forms to augment them or enhance the color.

Sue Oehme: Inclusions
  1. Prism
  2. Red Menace
  3. Exploder
  4. Confluence
  5. Tracers Series
  6. Leave No Trace