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Spruce hill 01

Spruce Hill

A brief introduction to West Philadelphia

The Spruce Hill, Walnut Hill, and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods surrounding 48th & Baltimore were middle-class STREETCAR SUBURBS developed in the mid-to-late 19th century. These neighborhoods generally experienced the shared history of inner/central cities in the United States across the 20th century, including redlining, white flight, and substantial economic decline in the mid-20th century.

However, on this trip, we are not focusing on this earlier history, but rather on the revitalization of this area – another shared pattern in most U.S. inner cities, especially since the 1990s, when both revitalization and gentrification in this immediate area took off. 

This walking tour breaks down into two portions, exploring both “unplanned” and “planned” revitalization in West Philadelphia.

1. Baltimore Avenue’s unplanned revitalization (43rd Street – 50th Street) (Stops 1-6)

From Stops 1 to Stops 6, we will explore the story of neighborhood revitalization and gentrification, examining mainly the commercial environment/mix along Baltimore Avenue. These blocks were revitalized beginning in the 1980s, mainly in ways that were relatively “unplanned” or “organic,” particularly compared to what we will explore in the second half of the tour.

2. Penn’s planned revitalization (Stops 7-13)

From Stops 7 to Stops 13, we will revisit some revitalization projects “planned” by Penn, especially in the 1990s and 2000s. The tour focuses on three types of projects: a) residential investments, b) the public school Penn built and runs, and c) the more highly planned and managed mix of commerce near campus. 

Key Questions to Consider:

1. What is gentrification? What are the physical and demographic characteristics of a neighborhood that is gentrifying or gentrified?

2. How is gentrification different than revitalization? Based on the assigned readings, how do different authors’ interpretations of gentrification and revitalization compare?

3. What is the role of planners in gentrification?

4. How to do development without displacement?

5000 Baltimore Avenue, philadelphia, PA, United States
Spruce Hill
  1. Dock Street Brewery West
  2. Mariposa Food Co-op
  3. Calvary United Methodist Church
  4. The A-space and Books Through Bars
  5. Streetscape
  6. Pandemic and protest
  7. Green Line Cafe
  8. Cornerstone
  9. Penn Alexander School
  10. The Rotunda
  11. Theater and Grocery
  12. Radian and New College House West
  13. The Inn at Penn