Interlude. robin cole


The first weeks with a newborn are a time outside of time. We are required to align our circadian habits with those of a tiny amphibian, scarcely a separate being, newly landed and previously familiar only with a watery darkness. This merging is not a recipe for remaining in touch with time or reality. It is one for floating in an airy expanse of emotion and intensity. Sometimes despair. But always love. Nights bleed into days in a perpetual twilight punctuated with moments of purest joy, until one day, you find your baby has transformed into a little person, and he is asking you, “Mama, is the moon sleeping?”

Robin Cole: Genesis
  1. "Epithalamium I" and "Epithalamium II"
  2. Stardust
  3. Ode to Life
  4. Maple Seed
  5. Everblooming
  6. Embryo Series
  7. The Heaviest Fig
  8. Ladder to the Stars
  9. Blood Moon
  10. Surrender (Oceanic)
  11. The Space Between
  12. Maiden, Mother
  13. Landing Place
  14. Beginnings
  15. Interlude
  16. Tapestry
  17. The Same Moon
  18. Pruned
  19. Haven
  20. Vantage Point
  21. Remember When
  22. Grandma's Dishes
  23. A New Light II
  24. "Mama, Paint!"