There are many wildflowers to keep an eye out for along the roadsides and on the walls of Navan.
Native wildflowers are not weeds, they are important for the insect life in our town which in turn feed our beautiful birds.
Though the old County Infirmary has fallen into disrepair after 200 years of tending to the sick in Navan and the surrounding districts, it is interesting to note that many of the wildflowers found growing at this old infirmary site have medicinal properties. Our ancestors held these plants in high esteem, and they are still valued today for their healing powers. A few species that you will see here include the striking pink or white flower spikes of Red Valerian and the delicate pink flowers of a native geranium, the Herb-Robert. What beauties! Valerian is still used in many sleeping remedies and Herb-Robert is prized for its antiseptic properties.
Look up and listen: you can see the Wood pigeons nesting in the old building - hear their cooing calls. Ivy clad old buildings are very important for urban wildlife and provide Wood pigeons with their favourite food: ivy berries!
Look down: Nature is everywhere! Look in the pavement cracks and our walls, many wildflowers are in bloom and urban ferns are spreading their fronds.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Don’t use pesticides. Leave a meter margin in your garden that you don’t mow. This gives native wildflowers a chance to bloom and feed our bees. Leave a section of your garden where you let the ivy run wild. This will be a massive help for local insects, mammals, birds and bats. Save on paint by letting ivy climb up a boring concrete brick wall.