Follow the arrow and stroll along the White Picket Fence towards location #2. This historic fence was brought in with Oxen driven by Charlie Hintz. Imagine driving loads of pickets up the old gravel road to help establish this historic cemetery. You will arrive at a second gate with the #2 marker on your left. As you enjoy the fence, the classic gate and entry you might also read about the unmarked graves and names of the known miners who are buried there before this was an official cemetery. There are likely countless other miners who were buried here but are unknown to anyone. You will also see a marker for a time capsule that was put down on January 1 2000. It has a large PVC pipe extending down under it, buried in a thick encasement of concrete and filled with nitrogen to seal it for years to come. There are over 80 items inside depicting life in Butte Creek Canyon in the year 2000. The contents are listed in a display at the Centerville Museum.