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Aloha and welcome to the general building orientation of the Hawaii State Hospital New Patient Facility.  This tour will give you the general layout of the building and familiarize you with exits, fire alarms, special areas, and other safety features of the NPF. PLEASE SIGN-IN TO THE SIGN IN SHEETS TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR COMPLETING THE TOUR.  Please feel free to contact the Staffing Development team if you have any questions or need additional assistance. From your transition partners at Go Energistics, we hope you enjoy your audio tour. Mahalo

45-710 Keaahala Rd, Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA
  1. Lobby
  2. Staff Locker Room
  3. Security Control Point
  4. Secure Lobby
  5. Mall Transition Lobby
  6. Court Room
  7. Rehabilitation Mall "Town Square"
  8. Gymnasium
  9. Dining Linai
  10. Treatment Mall Rear Corridor
  11. Sick Call Corridor
  12. Service Elevator Lobby
  13. Visitor Elevator Lobby
  14. Level 1 Staff Core
  15. Level 1 Staff Corridor
  16. Office Corridor
  17. Patient Unit
  18. Patient Secure Courtyard
  19. Patient Rooms
  20. Noisy Outdoor Activities
  21. Quiet Outdoor Activities
  22. Small Quiet Activities
  23. Nurse Station
  24. Seclusion Room Hallway
  25. Combined Corridor
  26. Patient Vestibule
  27. Elevator / Stairs Corridor