Welcome to the family side of the home. This area of the home was reserved for the family to enjoy time together, read books, play music, or spend time with children. The carpet in the parlor is an exact replica of the original carpeting from the 1880s installed by the Wagner family. The replica wall-to-wall carpeting was constructed using the same techniques from the 1880s. Look at the ceiling in the parlor, there are over 120 different colors in this room's ceiling alone. The two large photos hanging above the fireplaces in the parlor are of George and Sydney Ketchum. Although they never lived in the Honolulu House, they are the founders of Marshall. The family side also has a lady's room and an office study. There is a wedding dress in the Lady's room from Carrie Cameron whose family lived here after the Pratt Family. There is a travel truck and a sofa that belonged to Abner Pratt in the study. The door on the west wall of the study used to serve as the entry to a bedroom wing that was off the southwest side of the home. There were originally two bedroom wings off the west side of the home but the last owner, Annette Bullard, had the rooms removed in the 1920s since they had fallen into disrepair. You can see a modern architectural drawing of the bedroom wings in the study.