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Our mission here at Hog, is to develop revolutionary technology, applicable to the pavement marking and traffic safety industry.  Every day throughout our hallways and workshops you can find engineers and technicians doing just that.  Perhaps you can best imagine the future of an organization by considering its’ past.  Our history wall is designed to inform new recruits & visitors of our humble beginnings but we also have  a robust vision for our future.  It celebrates various milestones & none more important than when new team members join our ranks.  We also remember when we started building various pieces of equipment & for members of the team, it instantly reminds us of all we’ve overcome to introduce new technology to our space.  Remembering all we’ve overcome together, gives us strength and courage to tackle the next challenge.  I’m sure that when 2023 is added to our history wall, It will detail the many challenges we overcame as a team related to the large fire We suffered back in March.  So many have contributed to our success & now you’ll be hearing from a number of them as you progress on your tour.  People from more than 50 countries around the world have visited our premises and we are so glad you’re now here and hope you find the tour both informative & enjoyable.  

3920 commerce ave, stuart, florida, usa
  1. 1. Front Lobby/History Wall - James Crocker gEo & Founder
  2. 2. Electrical - Calin Morar Lead Electrical Mechanic
  3. 3-. Inventory & Purchasing - Samantha Mayberry inventory Manager
  4. 4. Fabrication - Santos Canales - Fabrication Manager
  5. 5. Quality Control- Mike Blakeman - Quality Control
  6. 6. CNC Machine Shop - Taylor Boas - CNC Programmer
  7. 7. Welding
  8. 8. Painting/Sandblasting
  9. 9. Pre-build Production Bays 1-4 - Rick Schneider- Production Manager
  11. 11. Customer Service - Falin Williams - Spare Parts Manager
  12. 12. Shipping
  13. 13. Technical Support - Curtis Crocker - Director of Technical Support
  14. 14. Training - Anthony Valcourt - Director of Marketing & Technology
  15. 15. Engineering - Steve Carroll - Chief Engineer
  16. 16. Founder's Office & Finance - Vince Giordano - President
  17. 17. Sales & Marketing - Matt Butcher - Vice President of Global Sales
  18. 18. Hog Striping and Waterblasting
  19. 19. TO FIRST FLOOR
  20. 20. Studio H
  21. 21. Repair Center
  22. 22. Production Bays 5-18 - Rick Schneider - Production Manager (Tour End)