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Christ Church Cathedral

Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral in New Orleans. We hope you will enjoy learning a bit of our history, and come to appreciate the beauty of this space.

The tour is approximately ½ hour long; of course, you may wish to linger a bit longer when viewing some aspects of this place. Enjoy your visit!

2919 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Christ Church Cathedral
  1. Welcome!
  2. The beginnings...the building
  3. Architecture
  4. The crossing, and windows (part 1)
  5. South Transept
  6. Bishop Polk, the first Bishop of Louisiana
  7. The Organ
  8. North Transept
  9. The Kneelers - The History
  10. Stained Glass
  11. The Tower...and The Chair
  12. The Chapel Part 1
  13. Chapel Windows
  14. The Cloister Garden