Stained Glass

Now let’s talk about the stained glass. Go back down the center aisle and down the stairs. Walk to the third or fourth pew. Turn back around and look at the seven windows behind the altar. These windows probably date from the time the building was consecrated.

Look up to your right above the organ and the choir, high on the wall, at the clerestory level. The four figures are the Archangels, this time in glass.

Now turn around and look at the large windows above the West doors, where you first entered the cathedral. The large window shows the Nativity of Our Lord. To your left, above the door in the south transept, is the large Resurrection window. Up at the clerestory level, still in the south transept, 12 smaller windows illustrate saints of the Church.

To your right, in the north transept, the large three-paned window is the oldest window in the cathedral. It was brought from the third Christ Church on Canal Street. The three panels depict Saint Peter, Christ the Good Shepherd, and Saint John. The six windows at the clerestory level to the left of the Good Shepherd window represent important historical figures in this church: two windows of note commemorate Philander Chase, first rector of Christ Church, and Francis Lister Hawks, rector when the third church was built.

Now walk about halfway down the main aisle in the nave (towards the West door). The windows at ground level in the nave (to your left and right) show events from Christ’s life. The windows up in the clerestory show St. Mary, St. Pau, and the Apostles.

Continue down the main aisle to the West door and look left.

Christ Church Cathedral
  1. Welcome!
  2. The beginnings...the building
  3. Architecture
  4. The crossing, and windows (part 1)
  5. South Transept
  6. Bishop Polk, the first Bishop of Louisiana
  7. The Organ
  8. North Transept
  9. The Kneelers - The History
  10. Stained Glass
  11. The Tower...and The Chair
  12. The Chapel Part 1
  13. Chapel Windows
  14. The Cloister Garden