
Jones Hall

Established in 1969. Jones Hall houses the Department of Mathematics. Undergraduate math research is funded by the National Science Foundation - Research for Undergraduates (NSF-RFU) programs. Seniors have the opportunity to present their projects at the Verizon Science Symposium and other national academic conferences. Jones also houses Information Technology, a tremendous resource to have on-campus that handles all computer problems for students and staff.

William & Mary Self-Guided Walking Tour
  1. Washington Hall
  2. McGlothlin-Street Hall
  3. Old Campus Residence Halls
  4. Integrated Science Centers
  5. Andrews Hall
  6. Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall
  7. Morton Hall
  8. Jones Hall
  9. Small Hall
  10. Swem Library
  11. Crim Dell Bridge
  12. Sadler Center
  13. Cohen Career Center
  14. Zable Stadium
  15. James Blair Hall